my oc world

Name: Elowen
Age: 23
Gender: nonbinary transfem
Pronouns: she/it
Species: poffin
Race: filipino
Orientatiom: lesbian


Elowen is very optimistic and sweet, and can rarely if ever bring herself to be negative, much less rude. She loves to socialize and to make friends, and people are often drawn to her because of her simple honest kindness. She loves to sew and also working with her hands in general, and spends much of her free time crafting and sewing. She also loves fashion and enjoys giving outfit advice when asked. She's very honest and in turn a horrible liar, she can never bring herself to mask the truth even to spare someone's feelings.


Elowen was diagnosed with an immunodeficiency disorder at a young age, and spent much of her childhood very weak. She was unable to play or be active the same as other children, and sometimes was even bullied for it. As such, she had few friends and spent most of her time with her parents.

Elowen first learned how to sew when she was 10, and it quickly became a favorite pastime. Even though she was chastised by some family that "boys don't do things like sewing", she kept it up and loved to spend time sewing fun ideas with her mother. She began to dream from a young age of making clothes for others.

Having always felt feminine and loved feminine things, Elowen struggled with her gender a lot as a teenager. She eventually came to the conclusion of being transfem, and while some of her family pushed back, her mother was always her biggest ally. As she was often frustrated with being sick, the two of them spent a lot of time crafting and sewing, and Elowen began to learn to draft her own clothing designs.

As an adult, Elowen started her own small clothing business selling unique designs online. On her good health days she's able to attend sewing circles and similar craft groups. Despite being bedridden most of the time, she does her best to live a full life and is happy with the friends she has.

View her gallery here!